Time to Redefine our Lives in Oregon

Dotting the Landscape

Miss Fozzy Bear

Miss Fozzy Bear


The moisture in the land this time of year brings about a true richness and depth in the natural colors that dot the scenery.  I love how the redness in the wood that ladens the land pops through the bright green of the winter moss, and grasses.

January 2015

January 2015

A stray piece of Douglas Fir bark becomes a topographical mapping of the roadways various insects have taken to navigate their way, to and fro.

January 2015

Stumps that are being slowly broken down and decayed dramatically showcase tunnels and caverns.

January 2015

Stray branches damaged by weather, and time create an amazing centerpiece fit for a king’s table.

January 2015

Even the flock want to get their feet onto a wooden surface………nope, not that one ladies…..no way….

January 2015

….that’s more like it!!

Those are some beautiful girls!!

Those are some beautiful girls!!

Thanks for visiting our forested farm today.   I hope you have a wonderful day!

Your friend from Oregon,



Comments on: "Dotting the Landscape" (8)

  1. That wood is so beautiful. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a gorgeous chicken flock!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, daphnecybele!! I think so too! I’m amazed that my girls who are Buff Orphington / Rhode Island Red crosses are larger than the full bred hens on either side.


  3. Those girls are pretty ! Yeah keep them out of the house HAHA

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great pics and the dog and and the baby chick is a masterpiece

    Liked by 1 person

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