Time to Redefine our Lives in Oregon


This was an AMAZING week for our home construction!!  It is all about the WEATHER!!  Amazingly enough, the week has been dry, SUNNY, crisp and cold, SUNNY, foggy at night, SUNNY, frosty in the morning, SUNNY, oh and did I mention that it was SUNNY!!!!!  Gorgeous, gorgeous weather, which is great for things like caulking and painting.

As the week started, Tony worked on getting supports up into the areas of the framing, before the insulation guys showed up, that would do things like add extra support for window coverings, towel racks, and like a pull bar in the bathroom if ever needed.  So he measured, cut, and nailed to fit things into the framing that looked like this….

The two retangular pieces of wood on the outside of the window framing are examples of window covering supports that Tony added.

These are added supports that we can tap into to secure hooks for hangers to hang-dry clothes in the laundry room.

The insulation guys were scheduled to show up on Tuesday.  They were delayed at another site for a couple of days which actually worked out really well for us.  Tony and our son, Will, were able to get in there and fill certain interior walls with insulation that our contracters weren’t scheduled to do.  So basically, all the walls that the contracters were NOT going to insulate, Tony and Will did.  We wanted this to cut down on energy costs as much as possible, and to create a little more of a sound barrier between certain rooms.  Tony and Will’s areas look something like this:

A little sound buffering between the laundry room and a bedroom.

Interior Insulation 2

This is the product that Tony and Will used to insulate the interior walls.

Our contracters showed up on Friday and insulated the entire house (except the attic space which will be blown in after the sheet-rock is up on the ceiling.)  Under the floor (from the crawlspace) insulation went in and foam was sprayed anywhere there was an opening for pipe or electrical work, etc.  These guys were great, and they were very clean.  This stuff can be really messy, and although our part is to vacum any small debris, it could have been so much worse.

Here's an example of the foam spray insulation.

And of course, the insulation for the exterior walls! Who knew insulation could be so exciting.

And here's an example of why we need all that insulation above, below, and to the sides...that roof is usually dark brown!!

So, as all of this is taking shape…the colors of the outside of the house are being applied.  YAY!!, we didn’t have to wait until June!!!  The painters were able to work everyday this week.  We have never had a house painted before…literally, never.  I was amazed at the range of emotions going through me, and conversations that went something like this….”Oh my gosh…we chose horrible colors!”…”I kind of like that.”….”I don’t know, Mom,…what do you think?”…”What are the neighbors going to think, they have to look at this rediculous house everytime they drive by.”….”Wait till the trim is painted, then it will look better”….. “Hey, I really like the dark door.  It looks really good.”…me to the painter, “What do you think of our colors?”…Painter to me, “They are good, they are good colors.”  And when it all came together, I really, really like our color scheme.  We went with a bit of a different approach, and for me, I think it works.  DRUM ROLL PLEASE<<<<<<<<<<<<

Here she is!!!

The dark brown ties in with our doors which are also that same dark brown color.

The dark brown doors are carried through for all exterior doors.

Well, the one vote of confidence that I have is this….at least the colors don’t scare away the deer!

Glad to know that the color scheme won't keep the deer away!

Comments on: "Sunshine, Insulation, and….Paint" (7)

  1. Paul & Cathy said:

    So very beautiful! It seems like it is moving quickly now…but that’s just me! You’re there day to day so you tell me…is it going by quickly? Just love the color and the beautiful dark doors! So very happy for you! Love you, Paul, Cathy & Bri


  2. Very nice Tami…!!!! Lovely house..!!


  3. Ooh pretty colors! And yes, the insulation is amazing!


  4. Steve Cross said:

    Looking great Sis – love you guys


  5. Sheila Cross said:

    wow things are looking good!! i’m showing my mom the pics she loves
    mis & luv you all sheiila & Chris


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